Data Conferencing, Planning, and Preparation for Teachers - March 2013
Data Conferencing in HD Website
To Do Items BEFORE Face to Face Training (these items will need to be submitted as proof for SCECHs):
- Consider your current state of data conferencing.
- What are some existing or possible structures for staff and administration to have conversations around data?
- How are expectations for teacher preparation communicated before a data conference? If expectations are not communicated, what is your plan for these communications?
- Consider your current state of data collection.
- What data are teachers in your building/district expected to collect?
- What are teachers expected to do with this data?
- What are administrators expected to do with this data?
- Consider how DataDirector, as a tool, can help support communication about data.
- Based on Part III of the video, what types of reports are available in DataDirector that can support data conferencing in your building/district? Please be prepared to discuss specific examples of how you envision staff using these reports to communicate the progress of students.
- Consider next steps.
- What are some next steps that will allow you to begin the 13-14 school year with the bigger picture of data conferencing in mind?
- Are there any possible times this year to practice your new learning?
Sample Data Reflection Documents
Data Conferencing in HD Sample
Data Collection and Analysis in the Classroom Resources (Completed and Blank Copies)
Last modified: Wednesday, March 6, 2013, 2:01 PM