Data Conferencing, Planning, and Preparation for Administrators - March 2013
Data Conferencing in HD Website
To Do Items BEFORE Face to Face Training (these items will need to be submitted as proof for SCECHs):
- Consider your current state of data conferencing.
- What are some existing or possible structures for staff and administration to have conversations around data?
- How are expectations for teacher preparation communicated before a data conference? If expectations are not communicated, what is your plan for these communications?
- Consider your current state of data collection.
- What data are teachers in your building/district expected to collect?
- What are teachers expected to do with this data?
- What are administrators expected to do with this data?
- Consider how DataDirector, as a tool, can help support communication about data.
- Based on Part III of the video, what types of reports are available in DataDirector that can support data conferencing in your building/district? Please be prepared to discuss specific examples of how you envision staff using these reports to communicate the progress of students.
Last modified: Monday, March 4, 2013, 4:15 PM