Spring/Summer 2013 Data and Assessment Professional Development

Data Conferencing, Planning, and Preparation for Admins

Data 515 – Section 2/March 5/8:30-10:45/HC Board Room

Join Mitch as he discusses a sustainable, authentic, and embedded format for data conferencing that is being used in several districts throughout the region.  Participants will leave with models and templates to use with staff that will provide focus on data collection and analysis with DataDirector.

Please note: In addition to the face to face portion of this class, attendees will also receive a link to a video tutorial outlining basic skills needed BEFORE attending the face to face portion on March 5th. Attendees should come with the knowledge and skills described in the training video. This information will help us cover a large amount of information in a short amount of time, while minimizing the amount of sitting and getting!



Data Conferencing, Planning, and Preparation for Teachers

Data 522 – Section 1/March 6/5:00-7:15/Calhoun ISD

The major difference between this course and the administrator course is that we will focus on what classroom educators can do to prepare for data conferences. Participants will leave with models and templates that teachers are using to help share and discuss their data with administrators.

Please note: In addition to the face to face portion of this class, attendees will also receive a link to a video tutorial outlining basic skills needed BEFORE attending the face to face portion on March 6th. Attendees should come with the knowledge and skills described in the training video. This information will help us cover a large amount of information in a short amount of time, while minimizing the amount of sitting and getting!


Quick and Easy Assessment Access for Admins

Data 523 – Section 1/March 7/8:30-10:45/HC Board Room

Where do I find my assessments? My staff isn't sure where to enter data! These are questions and concerns that we will address as we look at how building and central office administrators can quickly and effectively determine whether data has been entered, quick approaches to analysis, and how to build capacity with staff in quickly accessing assessments.

Please note: In addition to the face to face portion of this class, attendees will also receive a link to a video tutorial outlining basic skills needed BEFORE attending the face to face portion on March 7th. Attendees should come with the knowledge and skills described in the training video. This information will help us cover a large amount of information in a short amount of time, while minimizing the amount of sitting and getting!


Organizing PLC Conversations for Teachers

Data 520 – Section 2/April 23/8:30-3:45/Calhoun ISD

Are you tired of opening your PLCs with “So, what are we going to talk about today?”  If so, join us as we discuss ways to efficiently create agendas, distribute  materials, and generate guiding questions around student data. All strategies presented have been used in the classroom with elementary and secondary educators. Leave feeling confident that when you walk in the room for a PLC, you will NOT hear “what are we doing today?”

Please note: In addition to the face to face portion of this class, attendees will also receive a link to a video tutorial outlining basic skills needed BEFORE attending the face to face portion on April 23rd. Attendees should come with the knowledge and skills described in the training video. This information will help us cover a large amount of information in a short amount of time, while minimizing the amount of sitting and getting!


Assessment Design for All Educators

Data 524 – Section 1/April 30/5:00-7:15/Calhoun ISD

During this course, attendees will uncover the power of assessment maps to help plan for and deliver assessments. Assessment maps provide educators the opportunity to map out how and when they will assess the big ideas within a unit. Leave with tools that will help you organize unit content, plan for remediation, select the appropriate type of assessment, and show growth.

Please note: In addition to the face to face portion of this class, attendees will also receive a link to a video tutorial outlining basic skills needed BEFORE attending the face to face portion on April 30th. Attendees should come with the knowledge and skills described in the training video. This information will help us cover a large amount of information in a short amount of time, while minimizing the amount of sitting and getting!


Wrapping up the Year in DataDirector

Data 5002– Section 2/May 7/8:30-10:45/Calhoun  ISD

Undoubtedly you've spent tons of time collecting and organizing student data during the school year. Don't let the information you've collected this year to fall to the wayside once summer vacation start. Participants will learn how to pass information along to the next year's teachers in order to help them hit the ground running when students arive in September.

Please note: In addition to the face to face portion of this class, attendees will also receive a link to a video tutorial outlining basic skills needed BEFORE attending the face to face portion on May 7th. Attendees should come with the knowledge and skills described in the training video. This information will help us cover a large amount of information in a short amount of time, while minimizing the amount of sitting and getting!


Teacher Data Camp

Data 722 – Section 2/June 25 – 27/8:30-3:45/Calhoun ISD

This series will cover EVERYTHING an educator ever wanted to know about using DataDirector to measure student growth. Topics include:

  • Assessment Design
  • Assessment Creation
  • Assessment Administration
  • Assessment Reporting
  • Conversations Around Data

Participants will leave with a clear understanding of how to leverage the power of DataDirector to efficiently collect student achievement data in order to prepare for a PLC or data conference.



Admin Data Camp

Data 722 – Section 3 /July 29  – 31/8:30-3:45/Calhoun ISD

Similar to the Teacher Data Camp, this series will cover EVERYTHING an administrator ever wanted to know about using DataDirector to measure student growth. Topics include:

  • Assessment Design
  • Assessment Creation
  • Assessment Administration
  • Assessment Reporting
  • Conversations Around Data

One major difference between the teacher and administrator course is the focus on assessment reporting and conversations. The bulk of the work during this course will focus on these two topics. Administrators will have an overview of assessment design, creation, and administration in order to support teachers when they have questions about these topics. Administrators will leave with a clear understanding of how to leverage the power of DataDirector to efficiently collect student achievement data in order to prepare for a PLC or data conference.

Last modified: Wednesday, May 22, 2013, 8:56 PM