Quality Assessment was familiar territory for me because of Marshall's use of the Learning Design Model. We have worked hard to create a philosophy of beginning with the end in mind. Currently, all teachers in my building have developed many units that include Power Standards, Enduring Understandings, Essentials Questions, Learning Activities and Formative and Summative Assessments. I found the Quality Assessment Powerpoint for very reaffirming.
Even though I already "have my feet wet", I feel that this course can solidify what I'm doing. Also, there are still some units that I have not developed in this format, so I am looking forward to implementing the Quality Assessment/LDM concepts into my current science unit.
I do not forsee any road blocks to this process. I am a little uncertain about which assessments will be best to place in DD, but for now I think the pre and post tests will be a good place to start.
I am excited about fine-tuning my assessments and more effectiviely communicating the purpose and targets to my students. As many teachers already mentioned, it seems like we are getting pretty good at being data collectors, and I looking forward to using the data to drive my instruciton and give better feedback to my students.