Riverside OnDemand Training Opportunities

Riverside is offering several training opportunitites in preparation for the upcoming January 2nd DataDirector 4.0 release. As a reminder, the site will come down on December 22nd to begin the conversion process and come back up on January 2nd as the 4.0 version.


  1. www.riversideondemand.com. Riverside on Demand provides 4.0 training videos that can be viewed at any time.
  2. http://www.riversidepublishing.com/datadirectorwebinar/. Riverside is offering LIVE training Webinars hosted by Riverside account managers to preview the updates coming in the DataDirector 4.0 release. 
  3. http://www.riversidepublishing.com/ddrecordedwebinar/. The 4.0 Webinars that are being offered live have been recorded and can be accessed at anytime.
  4. https://preview.datadirector.com/calhoun. This the district specific 4.0 preview site. Your log in to the preview site is the same as it is to access DataDirector now.


If you are using the scanning feature in DataDirector, please remember that you will need to download the new version of DataScanner v1.3 before DataDirector 4.0 is released. All downloading instructions can be found in our help documents in the current version of DataDirector under “Preparing for DataDirector 4.0.” Also, available in this same section is the Comparison of Features:  DataDirector 3.x vs. 4.0 document. 


Last modified: Monday, 12 December 2011, 9:54 AM